Detroit Moped Works needs your help.

Overnight and early into the morning of June 26th 2021, Metro Detroit was hit with severe flooding.All roads to Detroit Moped Works were flooded and we were unable to access the building until the late afternoon. We found that our meticulously arranged basement had been submerged in at least two feet of water and now a large part of our inventory is strewn across the floor in piles of parts and sewage. We don’t know how much is salvageable and it will take some time to figure out because the power is out, with no estimate on when it will come back on.In addition to all of this, three of our staff members’ houses flooded and two cars (including the company van) are currently out of commission because of the flooding.We won’t be able to reopen until we’ve cleaned up the damage, and cleaning up will be a slow process until the power comes back on. We will be closed to the public until further notice, which means a loss of income on top of the thousands of dollars of inventory that we’ve lost from the damage.When the power is restored, we will be able to begin the multi-day process of:
  • drying the basement and parts
  • cleaning the sewage from the basement and parts
  • going through our inventory (throwing ruined parts away)
We are asking for your support to help take care of our staff during this period and to acquire the cleaning supplies needed so we can quickly and safely reopen our doors to you. The sooner we can get to work, the more parts we hope to save from rust and water damage.You can view more details about this situation at our GoFundMe page. We ask that if you cannot donate, please share the campaign so we can spread the word and help meet our goal.We appreciate your assistance. Thanks in advance for your generosity,Alex & the Detroit Moped Works team

New at Detroit Moped Works